Git was planned as a completely distributed revision control system, but nowaday it is mostly used with systems as Github, Bitbucket etc. Using one of those products one can work with several coworkers using a central server repository. Usually Github and Co. offer only public projects on their free plan. If you need a private repository then you can simply use a standard server with SSH access. Git needs to be installed.

Step 1: Server preparation

Connect to server, create a new, empty directory there and initialize an empty repository.

$ ssh
 #->Last login ...
 #->Welcome to!
$ mkdir myrepo.git
$ cd myrepo.git
$ git --bare init
 #->Initialized empty Git repository in ~/myrepo.git
$ exit

Step 2: Create local repo

Get into your source directory. If you did not already set up a local git repo you would have to do it now.

$ cd myrepo
$ git init
  #->Initialized empty Git repository in ~/.git/

Step 3: Connecting the local with the server repo

Add the remote repository as origin repo to to your existing local git repo. Set the local master branch to track the remote branch. Then push to the server:

$ git remote add origin
$ git push origin master

Step 4: Cloning

Finally you can now clone the server repo to a new directory by a simple

$ git clone

Further pushs and pulls can be done simply by calling git push and git pull (note that origin master is not needed).